
Truth vs. Opinion

Proverbs 18:2 "A fool does not find joy in understanding but only in expressing his own opinion." This verse was the topic of a small group that i attend on Sunday mornings. I found it to be extremely thought provoking and disheartening. We discussed the issue of whether or not we live and speak out of the truth of the gospel or do we live and speak solely out of our opinions. I think if i were to be completely honest, which is my goal with this blog, i live and speak often out of the overabundance of my opinions and not out of the saturation of the truth of the gospel. This discussion made me think about all the wrestling i do with my faith and all the wisdom i seek from others and whether or not i am receiving opinions or am i receiving truth. Its quite a perplexing thought. I firmly believe that God speaks through others that speak into my life, but how does that fit in with the idea that this proverb brings into light? I also believe that Christ is constantly shaping and molding my heart. So what do i do with my opinions in that context? If someone asks me what my opinion is about abortion and i answer them honestly based upon the truth of the Gospel, does that make me a foolish man or wise man? Where is the balance and what happens that makes that issue truth versus opinion? I also think that if i were to take this issue to far it could very well lead me to become arrogant in thinking that what my brother says to me is his opinion and therefore i can dismiss it. That seems just as foolish. I by no means feel like i completely understand this verse nor how to apply it in my life, but rather would invite some other opinions about it, no pun intended.


Vitamin Z said...

Great questions. I think we have to just attempt to be as Biblical as we can in our speaking and let the chips fall where they may.

Mark said...

Great questions. It's amazing how so many different Biblical "experts" can say so many different things about the same verse. I believe love should be a great test...does my understanding of this truth or this opinion lead me to love, to honor, and to worship? Or does it drive me toward judgment, shame, or fear. I'm just guessing...