
Home Sweet Home

Finally after a month on the road in Europe I flew back to Nashville yesterday afternoon! I never thought coming home to the chaos of my kids and small apartment would feel so good. The look on my kids faces was remarkable! It is so crazy how your perspective can change about life and the things around you when you have to be away from it for an extended period of time. The way your house smells, the way your laundry detergent smells, the comfort of your own bed and couch, all of those things have been made anew and the frustration I had with them before are a distant memory. I must admit though that I never thought i would feel the way I did when I finally came home. I felt as though I was a stranger, just passing through receiving the hospitality of some generous believers. A month is a long time, and there have been a lot of stresses and fractures that naturally and normally happen to a relationship after that period of time. It felt like a ton of bricks, when I began to process all of these emotions and really think about how I was feeling. Nevertheless, I am grateful that I have a loving family and faithful wife that loves me no matter what! What a blessing!

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