

So finally after some very long frustrating years of dedicated loyalty to the evil empire formally known as Sprint, I became aware that my contract will be up as of January 25, 2008! That just so happens to be my daughter Molly's birthday! So not only will my family celebrate the glorious birth of my daughter but also the wonderful event of my transfer and activation of my iPhone! Yes, thats correct! I am kicking Sprint to the curb and jumping on the best cellular phone band wagon there has ever been! Of course, it is really sad that this miraculous date comes after my return from Japan, of which I could desperately make use of my new iPhone, but I am trying to keep the faith and remain strong! I can do it, I am telling myself! Only 51 days remaining. Who will count down the days with me?


Ryan Smith said...

Yes! We'll both finally be in the club!

laura said...

We'll count down the days with you! We are big apple fans...of course we have to go with Sprint b/c of Adam's work, but iPhone all the way!!