I have been wondering lately why people blog. I wonder what it is about blogging that entices so many thousands to participate and jump on the bandwagon. This includes myself of course. As you can see no one reads mine so it is of little consequence but I am curious what happens to the people who actually have readers of their blogs. I mean does it change them at all? Does it make them somehow more relevant or right or just something else that is magically missing from my existence. I have had some interesting experiences lately and it has prompted into wonder and confusion of whats going on in the world of blogging. There are a few people out there that I love dearly and their opinions and thoughts matter to me so I sort of keep up with their blogs and comment every now and again to show my support, but honestly just hoping they will return the favor. Funny how that seldom happens. Nevertheless back to my thought. Some of those people that I referred to are listed below but most recently I found a few blogs of some really "COOL" people that I thought I might have a lot in common with and therefore have been especially keeping a keen eye on what they are posting. I have even gone as far as trying to contact them to strike up conversation on topics that they write about but so far no dice on returned communication. One of the bloggers just boasted about having crossed a threshold of having 300,000 hits on their blog. I find that absolutely astonishing! I'm curious as to what that would feel like. You must be somebody special if there are that many people out there in cyberspace checking you out. And yet another blog is firmly planted in the soil that is feeding messages of self righteousness and contempt for anything other than what comes out of the blogger's mouth. All sarcasm aside, I get the media machine and its effect on celebritysm and all that comes with being "Famous" but there exists another world on the internet and its amazing how it shapes the culture around us. I have been fascinated recently by a particular blog and just can't find it in myself to stop reading. I'm not sure what it is exactly or even what "it" is entirely at all, but fascinated probably doesn't even come close to properly describe how I feel. I have posted a link to that blog in a previous entry below and if you're really interested you can scroll down and check it out. But what just blows me away, aside from the facts themselves, is how many people are daily keeping up and even hour by hour keeping up with what has been and is currently being written. Personally I am hooked, drawn into it much like a magnetic field or an addict looking for a fix. And I wonder how that happens. I have written this sentence 10 times and still don't know where to go because I just am still wondering how that happens. It is most likely of no consequence because like most things blogging will come and go but I love studying culture and people around me and love asking questions. I love watching people [people as being plural not necessarily any particular person] and trying to understand what they are doing and why do they do it. Take me for example, a good friend suggested that I start this blog and its been pretty cool so far I definitely think I get more out of it then anyone else possibly could. That would have to be true because I don't write for anyone else and I certainly don't receive feedback that would entice me to do anything different than what I am currently doing. So I suppose that pretty much makes sense but still we come back to the guy that has 300,000 visitors. Of course I know that there are bloggers out there that receive far more hits but this one just stands out to me. So on the off chance that someone reads this, can you offer some opinion, some wisdom that is beyond my intellect that would close this loop for me and allow me to move on? Please anyone?